updates and stories to share #3

Before we get to the stories for these last couple of weeks, I wanted to mention a few things that will be changing.

– I’m going to go ahead and start posting once a week. Not sure on which day yet, but I’m leaning toward Wednesdays. If you have any thoughts, feel free to let me know.
– I’ll still be putting up stories to go with each post, but not quite as many. Probably more like 1-2 unless I really get on a roll with reading.
– Along with the stories will come some general updates on how things are going, and a free piece of microfiction at the end of every post.

So yeah, we’ll start that next week, but for now, have some stories!

Euonyml – Ria Hill
This is one of the first stories I managed to read this month and it hit me like a truck. I wasn’t expecting to have a strong reaction to it before I started reading but it sure did throw me. I loved everything about this, and the author’s note at the end only made me connect with it even harder. Wonderful work.

Feathers Are The New Black – KT Wagner
OH man, this was pretty. I love the imagery of birds so much, but honestly the language of this entire this just hits my brain in such a good way. I’ve been struggling with getting through short fiction these past couple of weeks, but this was such a pretty, yet extremely fierce, story.

Moist Breath of a Cold Stranger – Flash Fiction Online – KT Wagner
A different story from the same author. This was so different from the previous story and that’s maybe why I enjoyed it as much as I did. I love seeing an author’s capabilities and reading these two stories close together did that for me.

The God, Descendant – Amanda Helms
Oh, this made me smile so much. Sometimes you need to read about things coming together and changing what feels like an impossible cycle to break. This warmed my heart and made me feel better, but also gave me a sharp little bit of hope. Things will change, they always have that potential and it’s important to remember that in times like these.

The Exquisite Pull of Relentless Desire – Will McMahon
Oh, but this was good for me. This is another one where the language was great, the concept was like brain candy for me, and the execution of the story itself just rang all my bells. It made great use of the small wordcount and managed to feel so, so lush despite length length. I’m so pleased I found this one.

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